
Dalarna is one of the most popular tourist areas of Scandinavia, offering numerous summer activities. Pure, clean air, clean water, silence and solitude – the right kind of relaxation for body and soul. Vast landscapes, deep forests, high plains, mountains and beautiful lakes. Fishing, hiking, horse riding in fantastic terrain. The picking of berries and mushrooms or just a walk and inhalation of clean fresh air is enough. 

Traditions are very important in Dalarna particularly in this region. Costumes, art, music and crafts – everything is a natural part of everyday life.

Canoeing on untouched streams or a boat trip on lakes surrounded by breathtaking scenery. Take a deep breath and enjoy life in silent waters or wild streams. Do you like walking? With or without sticks? Try a summer hiking adventure with friends in the Vasaloppet track. A historical trip from Sälen to Mora.

Tourist information about Dalarna

Tourist information about Malung

Around Malung there are many different hiking trails: the Bäverstigen, Hålia or Örsåsen, Lybergsgnupen, Kvarnstensbrottet and Haftahedarna. When traveling from Yttermalung, on the way to Malung Finnmark, you cross the Natural Route Haftahedarna – a Natura 2000 area. The Haftahedarna is a hiking trail through interesting nature of the forests, fly sand dunes and pebbles. Along the trail there are ancient remains, the river Kvisset and a nice sandy beach with barbecue area and slogbod.

If you like fishing you will have a rich choice with 200 lakes, you will catch pike and perch. You can try fly fishing in the river Västerdalälven. Malung has a 9-hole golf course, the course runs along the river and runs through a beautiful landscape with distinctive hills.

Week # 29 is the traditional Dance week that begins on Sunday with the Guldklaven gala – a shimmering galaxy night with the characters of the music. Sunday to Saturday there is dance on 6 courses with 2 well-known orchestras on each dance course. Every afternoon throughout the week there are (free) stage performances in the  Greenland Park. Central Malung also hosts a multitude of other activities, eg. one day for vintage cars, ax shows, flea market etc.

Malung becomes crowded with dancing guests. In our houses it is still quiet and peaceful.

Malung is famous for its ancient craft traditions. Wknd #27 it is time for the Arts- and Crafts Tour when you visit the many craftsmen in their galleries and homes. Wknd #30 you tour the Culture in Tiomilaskogen, a center for culture and warm-hearted meetings on the farm and logs in 15 different villages.

Local services in Malung

All services are available, possibly with a limited range compared to big cities. In Malung you will find:

  • Food Markets: ICA, Hemköp, Lidl
  • Shops: Electronics, Photo, Clothing, Leather products, …..
  • Restaurants: Chinese, Thai/Lao, Swedish, Kebab, Pizza

Malung Adventures

  • Wandelen in Zweden
    Rond Malung zijn veel gemarkeerde wandelroutes te vinden. Oude postroutes, Vasaloppsleden of de Brovägen richting Noorwegen kan je wandelen met of zonder bagagevervoer en gids. Informeer naar de geplande vertrekdata. Tevens GPS en Nordic Walking.
  • Kanoën
    Een- en meerdaagse tochten, van licht tot zwaar. Kano’s te huur bij Malungs Äventyr. Informeer naar de uitgezette routes.
  • Mountainbiken
    Vele onverharde wegen en smalle bospaadjes. Diverse lengtes en niveaus. Mountainbikes te huur bij Malungs Äventyr. Ook geschikt voor kinderen vanaf 8 jaar.
  • Wildsafari’s
    Elanden en beversafari. Meerdere malen per week.
  • Vissen
    200 perfecte viswateren. Visgidsen zijn eventueel beschikbaar. Boten en materiaal te huur bij Malungs Äventyr.
  • Kinderactiviteiten
    Vlotbouwen, skelteren, vlotvissen.
  • Paardrijden
    IJslandse paarden. Prachtige halfdaagse of meerdaagse tochten.
  • Badtunna
    Openlucht badtobbe tot 8 personen.
  • Saunavlot
    tot 6 personen op de nabijgelegen rivier.
  • Quadsafari
    Tocht met gids over gruspaden, rijbewijs verplicht.

Travel to Malung

The properties are located in a forested area, 15 km (Lake Nissången) and 20 km (Lake Holmsjön) from the centre of Grönland, Malung in the beautiful district of Dalarna. Distances from Stockholm 352 km (4,2 h), Göteborg 402 km (5 h), Malmö 671 km (7,6 h).

Travel within Sweden

Find your own route and distance
(Swedish; opens in new window)

Bring your own car on Ferry

By air and rental car

  • Stockholm-Arlanda Airport; + 339 km (4.3 h)
  • Stockholm-Västerås Airport; +251 km (3,2 h)
  • Oslo-Gardemoen Airport; +239 km (3,1 h)

NOTE: Car hire in Norway more expensive than in Sweden

Skinnarspelet 2018 - The leather making team

Skinnarspelet 2018 - The fiddler team

Skinnarspelet 2011 - Grand Finale with VildHasse

Skinnarspelet 2018 - Main actors Lisbet and Lustigs Per

Open Air Museum - Rising of the Midsummer Pole

Open Air Museum - Midsummer dancing